
The Top 5 Smartest Animals in the World



They are smart and creative, with the highest IQ among all birds. They can be taught how to speak the human language, they can count, they can distinguish different complex shapes and they can also learn by observation. Crows have been known to throw nuts and shells along the road so that cars will drive through it and pop open the shells, allowing the animal to devour the contents. They also have the ability to build knives to cut leaves and grass. They have also been seen to grab wires so that they can use them as hooks to get prey out of its hiding places. They can also steal food, with some acting as decoys and lookouts. 


They have extremely large brains, even bigger than man’s when scaled to size. They are capable of altruism, sacrificing themselves for the betterment of the rest of the herd. They bury their dead properly, the only other animal to do besides man. They also know which leaves are medicinal and will chew on specific plants depending on the sickness they are feeling. They also have the ability to recognize themselves in the mirror.


Chimpanzees share practically the same DNA as humans, so this should not come as a surprise. They also have a better memory than any other animal in the world. They know how to utilize tools and they can communicate well with humans through sign language. They know how to attack their prey, utilizing complex flanking movements. They can even mentally manipulate other chimpanzees.

 Bottlenose Dolphin

They actually have the ability to watch television on their own because of their ability to process acoustic and visual information at the same time. They can also recognize themselves in the mirror, which they use to inspect their own bodies. Their comprehension skills are way advanced and these animals understand numerical concepts as well. Studies have shown that they even have the ability to choose the “I don’t know” option during difficult tests.


When orangutans were taught how to use tools, experts initially chalked it up to routine training that other animals can also do. But when they were released to the wild, the orangutans started building a similar structure to protect themselves during the rain. The ability to understand the why, and not just the how and what, makes the orangutan the smartest animal in the world.