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The German professor bequeathed itself to freeze


The German scientist Claus Sames after death decided to subject the body to a cryofreezing. 75-year-old professor from Germany signed the agreement according to which after physicians will record death of his brain, the body of the scientist has to be subjected to cryopreservation procedure. The scientist for many years went in for gerontology, and since 1995 — krioniky. For this purpose Sames's body pomesyat in a box with ice which transport to Michigan for transfer of the Cryonic Institute company with which the German concluded the agreement on a cryopreservation. On arrival in the USA of a box with a body of the frozen scientist blood in his vessels will replace with physical solution, and a body will place in the camera with liquid nitrogen. The company froze already more than hundred people. Now, as considers the vast majority of scientists, process of a cryopreservation is irreversible.